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Post-doctorant ou Post-doctorante en informatique - CDD 1 an

  • On-site, Hybrid
    • Palaiseau, Île-de-France, France
  • Informatique et Système d'information

Job description

Télécom SudParis


Telecom SudParis is a public graduate school for engineering, which has been recognized on the highest level in the domain of digital technology. The quality of its courses is founded on the scientific excellence of its faculty and on teaching techniques that emphasize project management, innovation and intercultural understanding. Telecom SudParis is part of the Institut Mines-Telecom, the number one group of engineering schools in France, under the supervision of the Minister for Industry. Telecom SudParis with Ecole Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, ENPC and Telecom Paris are co-founders of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, an institute of Science and Technology with an international vocation.

Its assets include: a personalized course, varied opportunities, the no.3 incubator in France, an ICT research center, an international campus shared with Institut Mines-Telecom Business School and over 60 student societies and clubs.

Job requirements


Level of training and / or experience required:

Essential skills, knowledge and experience:

Advantageous skills, knowledge and experience:

Abilities and skills:


Please send :

- a motivation letter

- a resume

- a work notice about our past and future activities in teaching and research (the 2 types of activity must be described with the same care for rigor and precision)

- a list of the main publications

- the names and mails of two qualified personalities who can give an informed opinion on the application



- Télécom SudParis - HRD - 9 rue Charles Fourier - 91000 EVRY - FRANCE

Contact person: Department Director - mail

Web Site:
