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Full Professor in Computer Science speciality Cybersecurity and Networks

  • On-site
    • Brest, Bretagne, France
  • Informatique

Job description

IMT Atlantique internationally recognized for the quality of its research, is a leading technological university under the authority of the Ministry of Industry and Digital Technologies, ranked in the three main international rankings (THE, SHANGHAI, QS).

The position is open on the campus of Brest within the Computer Science department.

Thematic and research challenges

Computing and networked systems become increasingly open, interconnected and software-enabled. Support for distributed, intelligent and resilient approaches becomes crucial. We must now design new algorithms, models and tools for more resilient infrastructures and networks that scale and resist threats while providing sufficient QoS and minimizing their environmental impact as best as possible.

This is due to the digitalization of our societies, businesses and States, and more generally to the digital transformation of our daily lives and those of organizations. Cybersecurity then appears to be a major challenge in order to protect, ensure the viability and availability of offered services. Recent news and the impact of cyber-attacks remind us of the importance of conducting active research in order to detect, anticipate, react and become resilient.

The recruited person with a proven track record in PhD advising will carry out research activity aimed at improving the cybersecurity and cyber-resilience of infrastructures, networks and distributed systems.


Located on 3 attractive campuses, IMT Atlantique boasts a strong international dynamic while remaining on a human scale. In its various BAC+5 programs (engineering and masters-DNM), students are confronted with real-life problem situations through a variety of pedagogical approaches. The ambition of IMT Atlantique is to train high-potential young professionals, capable of mobilizing a broad spectrum of skills in real-life situations, in a variety of environments (production, research, business creation, etc.) and socio-economic fields.

Involved both in the core curriculum and in the elective courses, the person recruited will contribute both to his/her computer science skills related to cybersecurity and networks, and to cross-disciplinary, interdisciplinary activities or those linked to companies: tutoring of projects/internships, oral presentations, coaching, etc. Committed to adapting to new training challenges, it will be keen to contribute to the coherent development of new programmes by contributing to pedagogical thinking and leading teacher-research groups.

Collective responsibility and involvement in economic development

Particular attention will be focused on the candidate's ability to get involved in the collective life of the school: contributing to, or piloting, cross-disciplinary projects (e.g. on ecological transition), taking on responsibilities (training programs, research projects, teaching or research teams) or participating in bodies such as the teaching committee, school council.

In addition, in an environment of privileged relations with major national and international industrial partners, as well as a dense network of SMEs and start-ups, the teacher-researcher recruited will contribute to the school's reputation and economic development, particularly through the valorization of his/her work by patenting or technology transfer. With 290 permanent faculty members, 2,000 students including 300 PhD students, IMT Atlantique produces 1,000 publications every year and raises 18M€ in research funds.

Job requirements

Please read carefully the mandatory and expected qualities of candidates for Professor positions at IMT Atlantique at the following address:

In the case of this open position, a special and complementary emphasis will be put on the candidates’ skills in these fields of Computer Science: Cybersecurity and Networks.


Starting date to apply : 26th February 2025

Deadline for applications: April 15th, 2025 23h59 Paris time

Date of Recruitment interview: Wednesday 28th May 2025

Starting date: September 2025

Documents to apply :

Download and fill in the application form

  • CV
  • Cover letter
  • Copy of diplomas or certificate of achievement
  • Copy of identity card or passport
  • Integration project on 3 axis : Teaching / research / Valorization

  • Report of your thesis and/or habilitation thesis (if applicable)
  • Report of the juror’s report for thesis and/or habilitation thesis (if applicable)
  • Any other evidence that may support your application


For any further information, please contact:

  • Thierry DUVAL – Head of the Computer Science department – +33 2 29 00 14 67 –
