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PhD offer: Evaluation of the effectiveness of the introduction of Low Emission Zones (LEZ) in France on air quality at IMT Nord Europe

  • On-site
    • Douai, Hauts-de-France, France
  • Energies renouvelables et ressources

Job description

Laboratory: Centre of Education, Research and Innovation on Energy and Environment (CERI EE)

Supervisors: Prof. Véronique RIFFAULT, Dr. Anna FONT

Type of contract and duration: 3 years

Workplace: Bourseul Campus, Douai, France


IMT Nord Europe is a public establishment belonging to the IMT (Institut Mines-Télécom) group, placed under the supervision of the French Ministry of Industry. IMT Nord Europe has three main objectives: i) to provide ethically responsible engineering practice enabling to solve 21st century challenges, ii) to undertake R&D activities leading to outstanding innovations, and iii) to support territorial development through innovation and entrepreneurship. For more details, visit the School’s website:

This PhD position will be undertaken within the CERI Energy and Environment (CERI EE) at IMT Nord Europe, in the research axis “Observations, Sources and Processes in the Atmosphere” (OSPA). OSPA’s research focus is on the physico-chemistry of atmospheric trace species through laboratory and field experiments, aiming to achieve a better understanding of air pollutant characteristics, origins and fate. The CERI EE offers a multicultural working environment, with labs based in Douai, a mid-sized town close to Lille, in the North of France.

Brief role description:

The fight against air pollution is a major public health issue. In France, it is estimated that between 2016 and 2019, more than 40,000 people per year died prematurely due to exposure to air pollution (Santé Publique France, 2021). This pollution is particularly significant in large French urban areas and is largely caused by road transport. In fact, this sector was responsible for 52% of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions and 11% of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions during the period considered (Citepa, 2024). Diesel vehicles alone account for 95% of NOx emissions from road transport. Traffic is also a source of black carbon particles and ultrafine particles, which are believed to have a larger impact on human’s health.

In recent years, Low Emission Zones (LEZ) have emerged as one of the key public policies to reduce air pollution in urban areas. France has implemented 12 LEZ in cities such as Paris, Lyon, and Reims, each with specific vehicle restrictions and varying implementation schedules. These zones target different types of vehicles, such as heavy-duty trucks and passenger cars, while considering the renewal of the vehicle fleet according to their Euro emissions standards. Starting from January 1, 2025, 42 urban areas will be affected.

The main objective of this thesis is to used advanced statistical methods to assess the effectiveness of LEZ in France to determine their impact on reducing air pollutant concentrations related to road traffic and improving air quality in urban centres. This thesis aims to establish such a framework by analysing long-term trends in traffic-related pollutants using both ground-based measurements and satellite data. The results will help provide a better understanding of the overall impact of LEZ and their potential to improve urban air quality on both regional and national scales.

Job requirements

Profile of the candidate:

The candidate must hold a Master's or Engineering degree (Bac +5) in the field of environmental data analysis; environmental sciences; physical chemistry; etc.


·        Advanced to proficient knowledge of scientific programming (e.g., Python, R, Matlab, ...)

·        Previous experience in time series analysis of air pollution data, aerosols and/or gases

·        Experience handling large amounts of data, combination of data from different sources

·        Project management skills (communication and interpersonal skills, motivation, time management, …)


·        Good knowledge in atmospheric sciences

·        Some basic knowledge in environmental policies, legislation, etc.

·        Good level of statistical data analysis

·        Good level of English, oral and written

·        Basic knowledge of French is desirable (or willing to learn)



The PhD position is funded at 50% for three years by the Cross-Disciplinary Project AREA. Funding for the remaining 50% has been requested, with a formal decision expected by the end of March. The PhD is a full-time position with a duration of 36 months, aiming for a start date of November 1, 2025 (negotiable).


The successful candidate will join the SMRE Doctoral School (Sciences de la Matière, du Rayonnement et de l'Environnement) at the University of Lille and will graduate from IMT Nord Europe upon successfully completing the PhD examination at the end of the contract.



For any information on the duties, please contact Prof. Verónique RIFFAULT (veronique.riffault@imt-nord-europe) and Dr. Anna Font (

For any administrative information, please contact the Human Resources Department:   

Shortlisted candidates will be requested to provide their BSc and MSc grades and diplomas, as well as two letters of recommendation (or 2 reference contact info), and be invited for a one-hour video interview where they will present their academic and professional experience in 1 or 2 slides followed by discussion.

DEADLINE DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS:  May 2nd, 2025. The position is open until filled. We will begin reviewing applications as they are received.
